On shooting better

I'm not the first to notice this: America is a nation of riflemen. As such we have a tendency to shoot our shotguns like they were rifles; which leads to all kinds of issues. I was as guilty of this as anyone until someone gave me a 'quick tip' at the skeet range which changed my approach to shooting completely. 

It's all in the feet.

With a 'rifleman' like approach to a target you will be set up something like this (NOTE-I shoot Left handed because I am left-eye dominant. Eye dominance - a subject for another time.)

Foot position with a traditional "Rifle" stance

You won't really notice an issue with this if you only shoot trap, or if you just shoot a stationary target...setting up like this comes naturally to someone who's first "firearm" was a Daisy Buck.

However-put yourself on the skeet field or sporting clays course, and you'll notice something right away-limited range of motion!

Green = Range of Motion
 What happens if you do this:
Adjusted range of motion
See how much your feet control your range of motion?  (This is a shooting stance championed by Percy Stansbury)

Application?  Consider the skeet field and both of these stances at station 4:

Option 2 allows full access to the field, the other puts you in a bit of a 'bind'.  This is what I was doing years ago.  That little tip - to move my feet - was a real catalyst in my thinking about all the things that determine a hit or a miss before you take the shot.
