victim of a govt shutdown

In this age of divisive childishness no one is willing to admit that they might be wrong, or that "the other" might have a point, or consider something which might be inconvenient to their world-view.

It's disgusting. I consider it a sign of cowardice to be unwilling to admit when you are (or might be) wrong and therefore approach life with a sense of humility; but that is the situation we find ourselves in.  Is anyone noting that the US Congress has not passed a budget in over 3 years? 3 years of this crap is enough and neither side is being honest with their constituency. (there I go being political) I won't appeal to a fallacy of middle ground because, well honestly, sometimes there isn't one; but it's quite clear that we have a failure to communicate.

As the chips start falling there are, for lack of a better term, innocents who will be left out because of this latest debacle (from US Forest Service):
  • ASHEVILLE, N.C. – The public workshop scheduled for Oct. 5 as part of the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forest management plan revision process has been cancelled. The U.S. Forest Service National Forests in North Carolina cancelled the meeting due to a lapse in federal government funding. 
    In the event that the federal government resumes operation prior to Oct. 5, the meeting will still be cancelled. More information on future public engagement opportunities will be provided as soon as possible.
    The Oct. 5 meeting was scheduled to be held at the N.C. Arboretum in Asheville.
